How They Really Work
Osher Lifelong Learning
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Scott Badman, Instructor
In class demonstration of selection sort and / or bubble sort
Selection and Bubble Sort Algorithm
Pseudocode - Selection Sort and Bubble Sort
Java demonstrations of sorting algorithms from
Selection Sort Code in several programming languages
Selection Sort in multiple languages
Most current languages are based on the C Programming Language
Most langauges clearly show the two nested loops with the if statement inside
Most languages are structured, written with indented nesting of loops and if statements
Another good source of examples:
Bubble Sort Code in several programming languages
Bubble Sort in multiple languages
Another good source of examples:
The most radically different languages are Assembly, FORTRAN, COBOL, and Lisp, all old languages pre-dating C
Good source of sort programs with a range of algorithms in a range of languages: